Lord Of The Forest

by Dawn Thompson

Bookcover: Lord Of The Forest

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Lord Of The Forest
Dawn Thompson
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
January 2009
320 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758227094
ISBN 13: 978-0758227096
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, ebook

Book Description for Lord Of The Forest

Midsummer Madness

Pagan revelers dance naked to the music of flute and lyre, their lithe bodies golden in the firelight, inviting the lord of their deepest desires to appear from the shadows. Marius soon comes, his tall, muscular body changing in the dark of the moon—is he man or animal? Or the best of both? Only Linnea, the beautiful goddess of the hunt, shall see his true self. His ultimate transformation will ensnare her—and his matchless erotic skill will ensure her amorous surrender. Retreating to a hidden bower of pleasure, they are at last alone. And Marius brings her to the heights of sexual ecstasy...again and again and again...

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