Vision of Seduction

by Cassie Ryan

Bookcover: Vision of Seduction

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Vision of Seduction
Cassie Ryan
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
August 2008
256 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758220669
ISBN 13: 978-0758220660
Romance novel

Series: Seduction


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Vision of Seduction

From A Vision Of Passion...

Katelyn Hunt is fascinated with the sexy stranger who has been hanging out at her New Age store for the last week. As a Seer, the sensual power she feels from this man of mystery intrigues—and arouses—her. But only his touch allows her to truly see what it would be like to lie beneath him naked and exposed, experiencing complete sexual surrender. And this vision is just the beginning...

To A World Of Pleasure...

As Prince of an otherworldly clan who use sexual energy as their life-force, Grayson de Klatch has searched far and wide for the Seer who can help save his planet. And when he finally finds Katelyn, he knows he has discovered his future mate. His body craves the sex her body so willingly offers and he aches with the need to make this woman his own...

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