The Braddock Boys: Brent

by Kimberly Raye

Bookcover: The Braddock Boys: Brent

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The Braddock Boys: Brent
Kimberly Raye
Harlequin Blaze #551
July 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0-37379-555-0
Romance novel

Miniseries: Love at First Bite


Formats » Paperback,

Subjects » Paranormal, Vampires

Book Description for The Braddock Boys: Brent

Brent Braddock flouts the rules. He's the ultimate charmer with his cocky wink and slow molten grin! But there's still too much range left to ride for a cowboy vampire like him to consider settling down.

Then he meets Command Master Chief Petty Officer Abigail Trent. She goes strictly by the books and is always the toughest one in the room. But damn, when Brent gets an eyeful—and then some!—of what's underneath her very unfeminine clothes... Oh, yeah, she's definitely all woman.

And she's the first one to make Brent think about ending his love 'em and leave 'em ways!

But can a woman who champions all things good and a...well...a vampire make it work? Only if bad boy Brent can regain the one thing forever denied to him...his humanity.

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