The Drifter

by Kate Hoffmann

Bookcover: The Drifter

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The Drifter
Kate Hoffmann
Harlequin Blaze #532
April 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0373795369
Romance novel



Formats » Paperback, , ebook

Book Description for The Drifter

Charlie Templeton is a certified wanderer. In his career as an adventure journalist, he's crossed every continent, climbed the highest mountains...and dated some of the hottest women. And he's done it all without a trace of fear.

But one thing scares him—the chance that he's permanently lost the woman he loved, the woman he left. So he's going home. And Eve Keller better be ready for him.

Eve's ready, all right. Ready to follow in Charlie's bootsteps. She's tried settling down. Now she wants to experience everything—travel, adventure...great sex.

And Charlie's more than willing to help her out. After all, everybody knows the best adventures start in the bedroom....

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