Winter Kiss

by Deborah Cooke

Bookcover: Winter Kiss

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Winter Kiss
Deborah Cooke
Signet Eclipse
November 2009
416 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-451-22843-7
Romance novel

Series: Dragonfire

Fourth in the Dragonfire series.


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Subjects » Paranormal

Book Description for Winter Kiss

Featuring the shape-shifting dragon warriors known as the Pyr who have commanded the four elements and guarded the earth's treasures. The final reckoning between the Pyr and the dreaded slayers has begun.

The mysterious Dragon's Blood Elixir gives immortality to Magnus, the Pyr's greatest enemy, and his minions, and it must be destroyed.

Outcast from the Pry because of his own dangerous impulses, Delaney will do anything to vanquish Magnus and vows to complete a mission which will either redeem him or end his suffering. But his plans don't take into account his sudden firestorm or the hot-tempered Ginger Sinclair. The firestorm reforms Delaney closer to his old self. And when Ginger learns about Delaney's scheme, she cannot resist a strong man with a noble agenda.

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