Extreme Bachelor

by Julia London

Bookcover: Extreme Bachelor

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Extreme Bachelor
Julia London
Berkley Sensation
May 2006
352 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425209199
ISBN 13: 978-0425209196
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Extreme Bachelor

Once Leah Klein was the brightest star on Broadway. Now, five years later, Leah is struggling to earn a living in Hollywood. Of course, Leah knows exactly who is responsible for her rotten career: Michael Raney. While living in New York, the two had enjoyed a nearly yearlong love affair that Leah thought was headed toward something more permanent when Michael suddenly, and without explanation, dumped her. An emotionally devastated Leah tried to put the pieces of her life back together, but her once golden acting career seemed to tarnish overnight. After only finding work in a few commercials, Leah sees her career take a turn for the better when she earns a part in Hollywood's hottest upcoming movie: War of the Soccer Moms. The only problem is that one of the stunt coordinators responsible for training the "moms" is none other than Michael.

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