The Iron Duke

by Meljean Brook

Bookcover: The Iron Duke

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The Iron Duke
Meljean Brook
Berkley Sensation
Trade Paperback
October 2010
384 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425236676
ISBN 13: 978-0425236673
Romance novel

Series: Iron Seas

First full-length novel in Meljean Brook's new steampunk, alternate history series.


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Subjects » Alternate History, Paranormal, Steampunk

Book Description for The Iron Duke

On the heels of Meljean Brook's addition of Here There Be Monsters to the Burning Up anthology comes the first full-length novel in an all-new series where seductive danger and steampunk adventure abound in the gritty world of the Iron Seas.

After the Iron Duke freed England from Horde control, he instantly became a national hero. Now Rhys Trahaearn has built a merchant empire on the power — and fear — of his name. And when a dead body is dropped from an airship onto his doorstep, bringing Detective Inspector Mina Wentworth into his dangerous world, he intends to make her his next possession.

Mina can't afford his interest, however. Horde blood runs through her veins, and despite the nanotech enhancing her body, she barely scratches out a living in London society. Becoming Rhys's lover would destroy both her career and her family, yet the investigation prevents her from avoiding him…and the Iron Duke's ruthless pursuit makes him difficult to resist.

But when Mina uncovers the victim's identity, she stumbles upon a conspiracy that threatens the lives of everyone in England. To save them, Mina and Rhys must race across zombie-infested wastelands and treacherous oceans — and Mina discovers the danger is not only to her countrymen as she finds herself tempted to give up everything to the Iron Duke.

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