Her Private Treasure

by Wendy Etherington

Bookcover: Her Private Treasure

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Her Private Treasure
Wendy Etherington
Harlequin Blaze #562
September 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0373795666
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Her Private Treasure

Malina Blair went from rising-star FBI agent to... er...cold-case officer in the backwoods of South Carolina—not exactly a hotbed of action. But when a smuggling investigation leads her to tranquil Palmer's Island, Malina inadvertently discovers one of the region's best-kept secrets: sexy, gorgeous attorney Carr Hamilton.

But even as their chemistry goes from fizzy to red-hot and explosive, Malina wonders if maybe she isn't getting in over her head. After all, she's just visiting—and the island's main attraction is also her prime suspect!

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