Jump Start

by Lisa Renee Jones

Bookcover: Jump Start

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Jump Start
Lisa Renee Jones
Harlequin Blaze #590
January 2011
ISBN 10: 0373795947
Romance novel

Miniseries: Texas Hotzone


Formats » Paperback, , ebook

Book Description for Jump Start

A battlefield moment of clarity leads Sergeant Bobby Evans back to the Texas town he fled long ago. His new mission—winning back the woman he wants, by any naughty means necessary.

Jennifer Jones spent seven years aching with the memory of Bobby's blistering kisses—and his sudden, silent departure. Now he's back, looking to pick up where they left off—naked and voracious. But Jen won't get burned again, no matter how hot Bobby turned out. Two torrid weeks, then she'll give him his marching orders…or not!

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