Seducing a S.E.A.L.

by Jamie Sobrato

Bookcover: Seducing a S.E.A.L.

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Seducing a S.E.A.L.
Jamie Sobrato
Harlequin Blaze #420
September 2008
ISBN 10: 037379424X
ISBN 13: 978-0373794249
Romance novel

Miniseries: Forbidden Fantasies


Formats » Paperback

Subjects » Fantasies

Book Description for Seducing a S.E.A.L.

She's the very model of restraint...

Except for one not-so-tiny thing. Lieutenant Commander Kylie Thomas has been entertaining some inappropriate thoughts about her subordinate, Ensign Drew MacLeod. Not only is she his commanding officer—and a few years his senior—but she's worked too hard to mess up her career. Even for six feet of golden-haired, bronze-skinned, blue-eyed perfection.

Then an office incident leaves her shaken, and Kylie decides she needs some physical therapy. Two glorious weeks in Hawaii with the one man who sets her nether regions aquiver sounds like just the cure for her nerves.

If she's going to throw caution to the wind—along with her propriety and professional reputation—then she'd better make these two weeks count!

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