Slow Hand Luke

by Debbi Rawlins

Bookcover: Slow Hand Luke

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Slow Hand Luke
Debbi Rawlins
Harlequin Blaze #312
March 2007
Romance novel


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Book Description for Slow Hand Luke

When the ride gets wild... If Annie Corrigan had played it safe and stayed in New York, no cowboy would have sweet-talked his way into that empty bedroom down the hall. But on the eve of her very first night at her aunt's ramshackle Texas spread, that's exactly what happens.

With a million dollars in rodeo prize money gone missing and a vengeful husband on his tail, Luke McCall needs a place to hide while he clears his name. Lady Luck seems to have deserted him for good when he accidentally picks a female cop from Manhattan as his cover. It looks like Annie has no choice but to turn him in. That is, until Slow Hand Luke decides to live up to his name...

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