The Concubine

by Jade Lee

Bookcover: The Concubine

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The Concubine
Jade Lee
Harlequin Blaze #449
February 2009
ISBN 10: 0373794533
ISBN 13: 9780373794539
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for The Concubine

Requirements for being a royal consort:
1) Exemplify purity.
2) Pass all demanding tests.
3) Gracefully withstand petty backstabbing.
4) Be chaste. Very chaste.

Check to all! Chen Ji Yue is on her way to empress superstardom in nineteenth-century China. She only has to vanquish 300 rivals to bring her family great honor. Oh, and she may not find the deliciously sexy Sun Bo Tao—the emperor's best friend—at all delicious. Or sexy.

Damn. Ji Yue is in big trouble.

Because Bo Tao is definitely very sexy....

And Ji Yue is about to discover that chastity is overrated....

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