Instant Gratification

by Jill Shalvis

Bookcover: Instant Gratification

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Instant Gratification
Jill Shalvis
Kensington Brava
June 2009
ISBN 13: 978-0-7582-3125-3
Romance novel

Emma's sure she has no place in a town like Wishful, but Stone knows different...


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Instant Gratification

In Instant Attraction, Jill Shalvis introduced Cameron, Stone, and T.J.—the sexy, daredevil brothers who run Wilder Adventures. And for Stone Wilder, the thrill of a lifetime is about to arrive in a surprising package...

The Doctor Is In Deep

Wishful, California, is 3000 miles from Dr. Emma Sinclair's last job in a New York City ER. It may as well be another galaxy. Here, running her father's clinic for a summer, Emma treats bee stings, stomach flu, and the occasional pet cat. Plus, she has to contend with patients like Stone Wilder: gorgeous, laid-back, and irritating beyond belief. The man laughs at her. A lot. And Emma loathes him. All except that tiny part of her that wants to throw him on her examining table and break every doctor-patient rule in the book...

When Stone tries to help Emma learn to loosen up a bit, he pictures white-water rafting or scenic mountain hikes. Not a mind-blowing affair that shakes them both to the core. Emma's sure she has no place in a town like Wishful, but Stone knows different. Emma belongs here—in this town, in his life. And convincing this strong-minded, stubborn, sexy woman of that fact will be a challenge no Wilder man could resist...

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