
by Christina Phillips

Bookcover: Captive

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Christina Phillips
Berkley Heat
Trade Paperback
February 2011
322 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-23882-0
Romance novel

She is a prisoner of her sworn enemy...and her own raging desire.... An historical erotic romance from Berkley Heat.


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook,

Book Description for Captive

A new erotic historical series set in a world of magical heroines and sexy warriors.

When the Romans destroyed her world, Morwyn took a vow of celibacy to spite her goddess. Then she's captured by a mercenary whose animal charms and chiseled body will test her conviction...

Brennus has spent three years undercover in the Roman Legion. So when his men brutalize the fiery Celtic beauty, he saves her-by claiming her as his own.

As they near Roman headquarters, Morwyn resolves to honor her vow of celibacy-but if Brennus were to ravage her, could she be blamed for enjoying his body? With just a hint of seduction, sooner or later the warrior will succumb to his exquisite captive.

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