Megan's Mark

by Lora Leigh

Bookcover: Megan's Mark

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Megan's Mark
Lora Leigh
Berkley Sensation
May 2006
304 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425209644
ISBN 13: 9780425209646
Romance novel

Series: The Breeds

Lora Leigh invites you to an intriguing world where genetically altered Breeds and the humans who created them commingle—and sometimes cross the boundaries of desire...

"An introduction to The Breeds for new Lora Leigh readers, Megan's Mark is the first in her Berkley series—and what a great start to the series it is!"
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Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Subjects » Future and Futuristic Settings

Book Description for Megan's Mark

Cursed with the extraordinary power to feel other peoples' emotions, Megan Fields has tucked herself away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town sheriff's deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can't stay buried forever. Someone is out for blood—her blood.

An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard—and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the prey...

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