Secrets, Volume 24: Surrender to Seduction

by Alexa Aames, Mia Varano, Natasha Moore, Rae Monet

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Secrets, Volume 24: Surrender to Seduction
Alexa Aames, Mia Varano, Natasha Moore, Rae Monet
Red Sage Secrets #24
Trade Paperback
July 2008
326 Pages
ISBN 10: 1603101667
ISBN 13: 978-1603101660
Romance anthology


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Secrets, Volume 24: Surrender to Seduction

War God by Alexa Ames
Estella Eaton, a lovely graduate student, is the unwitting carrier of the essence of Aphrodite. But Ares, god of war, the ultimate alpha male, knows the truth and becomes obsessed with Estelle, pursuing her relentlessly. Can her modern sensibilities and his ancient power coexist, or will their battle of wills destroy what matters most?

Shadow Wolf by Rae Monet
A half-breed Lupine from the Alagon slums challenges a high-ranking Solarian Wolf Warrior. When Dia Nahiutras tries to steal Roark D'Reincolt's wolf, does she get an enemy forever or a mate for life? Only their sensual journey across the universe will tell.

Bad to the Bone by Natasha Moore
She's a good girl who wants to be bad, and he's a bad boy who wants to be good. At her class reunion, Annie Shane sheds her good girl reputation through one wild weekend with Luke Kendall. But Luke is done playing the field and wants to settle down. What would a bad girl do?

Hot on Her Heels by Mia Varano
Private investigator Jack Slater dons a leopard-print g-string to investigate an exclusive male strip club, the Lollipop Lounge. He's not sure if the club's sexy, hard-driving owner, Vivica Steele, is involved in the scam, but Jack figures he's just the Lollipop to sweeten her life.

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