Secrets, Volume 7

by Angela Knight, Jade Lawless, Julia Wells, Kathryn Ann Dubois

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Secrets, Volume 7
Angela Knight, Jade Lawless, Julia Wells, Kathryn Ann Dubois
Red Sage Secrets #7
December 2001
250 Pages
ISBN 10: 0964894270
ISBN 13: 978096494273
Romance anthology


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Secrets, Volume 7

Angela Knight- Kissing the Hunter
Navy Seal Logan McLean hunts the vampires who murdered his wife. Virginia Hart is a sexy vampire searching for her lost soul mate only to find him in a mind determined to kill her. In KISSING THE HUNTER, she must convince him all vampires aren't created equally—hunting her won't save his soul, only loving her will.

Julia Wells- Amelia's Innocence
Captain Quentin Hawke won the right to take Amelia's Innocence. She did not know her father bet her in a card game, so honor demands a compromise —Three days of erotic foreplay, leaving her virginity and future intact. Can Quentin resist this irresistible maiden?

Jade Lawless - The Woman of His Dreams
From the day artist Gray Avonaco moves in next door, Joanna Morgan is plagued by provocative dreams. But what she believes is unrequited lust, Gray sees as another chance to be with the women he loves. He must persuade her that even death can't stop true love— before he loses The Woman of His Dreams forever.

Kathryn Anne Dubois - Surrender
In SURRENDER, free-spirited Lady Johanna wants no part of the binding strictures society imposes with her marriage to the powerful Duke of Chandlemare. She doesn't know the dark Duke intends more than a conventional marriage—he wants sensual adventure, sexual satisfaction, and ultimately, her surrender.

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