The Courtesan's Wager

by Claudia Dain

Bookcover: The Courtesan's Wager

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The Courtesan's Wager
Claudia Dain
Berkley Sensation
February 2009
ISBN 10: 0425225801
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-22580-6
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for The Courtesan's Wager

If Lady Amelia is to marry before another Season passes, she'll need help from infamous courtesan-turned- matchmaker Sophia Dalby. But Amelia is shocked when Lady Dalby informs her that they'll hold interviews for the post of husband—and only dukes need apply.

The plan may ruffle some feathers, but that doesn't keep the men from lining up, especially once the hopeful bride-to-be rejects one eligible duke after another. Only Lord Cranleigh shuns the proceedings, setting his own course of action. But convincing the lady to pursue different interests leads to even more outrageous behavior. Lady Dalby is delighted—and the ton is abuzz: Will Amelia become a duchess, or will other desires consume her?

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