Naughty Bits

by Delilah Devlin, Eden Bradley, Jenesi Ash, Lacy Danes, Megan Hart, Tracy Wolff

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Naughty Bits
Delilah Devlin, Eden Bradley, Jenesi Ash, Lacy Danes, Megan Hart, Tracy Wolff
Spice Briefs
March 2009
ISBN 10: 1426829469
ISBN 13: 9781426829468
Erotica anthology


Formats » Ebook

Book Description for Naughty Bits

Naughty Bits is the first-ever compilation of breath-hitching, leg-crossing, pulse-quickening short erotic fiction from the editors of SPICE BRIEFS. Penned by some of the genre's best authors, including Megan Hart, Delilah Devlin, Jodi Lynn Copeland, Kimberly Kaye Terry and Sarah McCarty, these fifteen provocative, flirty, haunting—but always arousing—erotic encounters may be brief, but each one is guaranteed to be the naughtiest part of your day!

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