The Pleasure of Sin

by Shauna Hart

Bookcover: The Pleasure of Sin

The Pleasure of Sin
Shauna Hart
Whiskey Creek Torrid
ISBN 13: 978-1-60313-226-8
Romance novel

A search for her sister's killer leads to passion...


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Book Description for The Pleasure of Sin

When Jade Monroe's sister, Ruby, is murdered, she vows to find her killer. But coming to New Orleans means facing the one man she has never been able to get over, her sister's ex-boyfriend.

Clay Devlin stole more than just a kiss years ago. He stole a piece of her heart. Now, he is her only link to the life her sister led. But Clay wants Jade to leave New Orleans. And the closer she gets to him, the more she begins to wonder what he is hiding.

As Jade investigates, she discovers that Ruby had secrets. Secrets she kept hidden from the people around her. Secrets she indulged in a private club. But Club X is not your average club. It's a sex club that caters to all kinds of tastes, no matter how dark or forbidden. As much as she tries to deny it, she is pulled deeper into a world where fantasy is reality.

Will she discover the truth before it's too late?

Or will her passion become the ultimate weapon against her?

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