Behind The Red Door

by Jackie Barbosa

Bookcover: Behind The Red Door

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Behind The Red Door
Jackie Barbosa
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
May 2009
304 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758234589
ISBN 13: 978-0758234582
Romance anthology


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Behind The Red Door

Forbidden fantasies and hidden pleasures are waiting. Enter the Red Door, a most exclusive brothel, where men enjoy all the sins of the flesh and women surrender to their own secret desires...

"Wickedly Ever After"

Known for his wicked ways, the Marquess of Grenville is far from marriage material. But when Miss Eleanor Palmer tries to tell him so, she quickly finds the heat of his kiss melting her determination to say "no" into an uncontrollable desire to say "yes..."

"Scandalously Ever After"

Most men who visit the Red Door brothel enjoy sampling the variety of feminine delights, so Calliope is surprised when Captain Jack Prescott claims her for a week of passion. But satisfying his every sexual desire provides them both with complete carnal pleasure...

"Sinfully Ever After"

Lady Jane St. Clair loves her fiancé, but Gerard Nash is a notorious rake who likes adventurous women. Wanting to show him just how bold she can be, Jane masquerades as a young ingénue at the Red Door where she and Gerard experience sinfully erotic ecstasy...

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