Drive Me Wild

by P. J. Mellor

Bookcover: Drive Me Wild

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Drive Me Wild
P. J. Mellor
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
January 2009
320 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758220243
ISBN 13: 978-0758220240
Romance anthology


Formats » Trade Paperback, ebook

Book Description for Drive Me Wild

These steamy stories of ultimate sensual satisfaction prove that twins provide twice the pleasure—and more...

"Double Trouble"

Ryan Wright isn't eager to trade places with his twin Braedon to get him out of trouble again. But when he discovers a totally hot and completely naked woman in his brother's apartment, he can't wait to enjoy the double delights of wild and wicked sex...

"Double the Pleasure"

Megan Hartley and her identical twin sister go to their high school reunion hoping to have a good time. Once there Megan sees the high school crush she's been lusting after all these years and decides she's finally ready to educate him in the erotic arts of pulse-pounding pleasure...

"Double the Fun"

Relaxing at her friend's beach house is the perfect getaway for Suzanne Hartley...until she sees an incredibly gorgeous guy jogging down the beach every morning. Hot with desire, she goes outside to flaunt her body and indulge her own carnal fantasies of fun in the sun...

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