Make U Sweat

by Amie Stuart

Bookcover: Make U Sweat

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Make U Sweat
Amie Stuart
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
August 2008
256 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758228554
ISBN 13: 978-0758228550
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, ebook

Book Description for Make U Sweat

Bring It On...

When the Cavanaugh sisters inherit the family moving company, they figure they're "man" enough for the job. They'll show those bad boys of Texas just how good these three gals are at getting exactly what they want...

Reecie is a caretaker from the word go—she's all business, whether it's family or work. So she is more than ready to let easygoing Jack Saunders step in and take care of her in the most intimate way possible...

Robbie Jo loves a good time at work and in bed—until she meets rodeo rider Cash McBride and realizes she's ready to settle down and ride one man long and hard...

Carla is tired of sweating for a living. But getting hot and bothered around real estate attorney Josh Winters puts her in the mood for some seriously steamy sex...

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