Wolf Tales VII

by Kate Douglas

Bookcover: Wolf Tales VII

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Wolf Tales VII
Kate Douglas
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
January 2009
256 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758226934
ISBN 13: 978-0758226938
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, ebook

Book Description for Wolf Tales VII

They Come Together In A Haze Of Seduction...

Powerfully sensual and potently erotic, the Chanku are an exotic race of shapeshifters. Their intent is never to harm, only to delight in each other's sexual passion and pleasure. But someone or something is out to hurt them, and after attacks against all threepacks across the country, all targeted at women and children, Anton Cheval calls the Chanku home to find out who is orchestrating these assaults—and to stop them.

Where Passion Knows No Limits...

But as the Chanku come together to defend themselves, something even more unexpected happens. The combined sexual energy of so many libidinous shapeshifters creates an orgy of uncontrollable desire. Now Anton wonders if the Chanku's powers of seduction have merely increased in the presence of so many of their own kind, or whether they have discovered an important and unexpected legacy from their mystical and mysterious past...

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