Be With Me

by Maya Banks

Bookcover: Be With Me

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Be With Me
Maya Banks
Berkley Heat
Trade Paperback
November 2008
ISBN 10: 042522404X
Erotica novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Be With Me

She has a killer on her tail and three men in her bed?

An author who knows how to please turns up the Heat in a sizzling new novel of erotic suspense?

Hutch, Cam, and Sawyer were juvenile delinquents when they formed a friendship with the wealthy but lonely Regina. She felt loved for the first time in her life?by all three. Today she?s a police officer and wary of resuming her relationship with the hot trio?until an attempt is made on her life. When they jump in to protect her, an all-new bond is formed, one riskier than ever before because now a killer looms in the shadows.

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