At Your Command

by Julie Miller

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At Your Command
Julie Miller
Harlequin Blaze #373
January 2008
ISBN 13: 9780373793778
Romance novel

Semper Fi—Always faithful... Not always sensible.


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Book Description for At Your Command

The Few. The Proud. The Married.

U.S. Marine Zachariah Clark spent his last furlough between the sheets with voluptuous socialite Becky Owens—a steamy week he never wanted to end. So he proposed. They secretly said their "I do's" and Zachariah shipped out on an eighteen-month tour.

Stateside again?nursing serious war wounds—Zach begins a tough new mission: getting to know his bride. In the bedroom things are perfect, but outside, Zach has plenty to learn about Becky, a steely divorce attorney who's as fierce a warrior in her own way as he is. The question is: who's giving the orders now?

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