Deliciously Dangerous

by Karen Anders

Bookcover: Deliciously Dangerous

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Deliciously Dangerous
Karen Anders
Harlequin Blaze #536
April 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0-37379-540-6
Romance novel

Miniseries: Undercover Lovers


Formats » Paperback, , ebook

Book Description for Deliciously Dangerous

Undercover agent Callie Carpenter is closing in on her elusive target, but she needs one man: Jammer, aka Shane McMasters—her target's right-hand guy and (coincidentally) an über-hottie Callie can't resist. And she won't!

Callie's playing a dangerous game. She can be as irresistible and ruthless as her persona demands.

But inevitably, even the most sensual games—involving good wine, good food and great sex—must come to an end. Her mission, should she choose to accept it, is an undercover seduction...with a delicious side of danger!

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