Every Breath You Take...

by Hope Tarr

Bookcover: Every Breath You Take...

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Every Breath You Take...
Hope Tarr
Harlequin Blaze #441
January 2009
ISBN 10: 0373794452
ISBN 13: 9780373794454
Romance novel

Miniseries: Lust in Translation


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Every Breath You Take...

Biotech hotshot Alexandra Kendall is in way over her head. It's bad enough that a business trip to Belize has put her in danger. But now she finds out that the man hired to protect her is none other than former FBI special agent Cole Whittaker-the same man who'd loved her (oh God, how he'd loved her...) and then left her five years ago.

Reappearing in Alex's life is one of the biggest risks Cole has ever taken. Once his undercover job forced him to abandon her. Now he has the chance to redeem himself-one scorching kiss at a time.

But first he must convince Alex that the safest place for her is in his bed....

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