Live and Yearn

by Kelley St. John

Bookcover: Live and Yearn

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Live and Yearn
Kelley St. John
Harlequin Blaze #421
September 2008
ISBN 10: 0373794258
ISBN 13: 978-0373794256
Romance novel

Miniseries: The Sexth Sense


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Live and Yearn

Charles Roussel knows he can hardly expect Nanette Vicknair to greet him with open arms. After all, not only did he abandon her twelve years ago, but now he's the reason her home is in jeopardy. Still, he desperately wants to fix things for her, for them.

Then a car accident flings Charles into a nether world, neither alive nor dead. And he's not finding it so bad....

Especially when he discovers he can visit Nan's bed every night and seduce her in her sleep.

Nanette might have been able to withstand Charles's sexual assaults in the flesh, but when he infiltrates her dreams, she's powerless to resist. She wants Charles. She's always wanted Charles. But can Nan bring him back before it's too late? And considering how mind-blowing their sex life has been recently, is she even sure she wants to?

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