The Soldier

by Rhonda Nelson

Bookcover: The Soldier

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The Soldier
Rhonda Nelson
Harlequin Blaze #481
July 2009
ISBN 13: 9780373794850
Romance novel

Miniseries: Uniformly Hot!

Wanted: wild, wounded warrior to love...


Formats » Paperback,

Book Description for The Soldier

Subject: Adam McPherson, Special Forces.

Current Status: Out of commission...for now!

Mission: Return to battle.

Obstacle: Winnie Templeman. She won't take no for an answer!

Adam is Uncle Sam's man. Yet even his strict military discipline is no match for Winnie's charms!

A horrific roadside bomb sent Adam home injured—and haunted. Feisty Winnie, however, has her own plan of attack. Her nonregulation method of sexual healing is guaranteed to get him back on his feet.

But being flat on his back in Winnie's bed might be the best remedy of all....

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