Under the Influence

by Nancy Warren

Bookcover: Under the Influence

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Under the Influence
Nancy Warren
Harlequin Blaze #452
February 2009
ISBN 10: 0373794568
ISBN 13: 9780373794560
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Under the Influence

Sexy bartender Johnny Santini mixes one wicked martini. Or so efficiency expert Natalie Fanshaw discovers when she takes a seat at his beachfront bar one lonely night. It's Valentine's Day, and they're the only single people in the heart-strewn place!

Natalie knows she spends too much time with her spreadsheets—she's forgotten what it's like to be between the sheets. Johnny is such a charmer, mixing his signature cocktails while making her feel s-o-o-o very special. And when he asks her to help him create a fab new drink for the town's upcoming martini contest, Natalie can't say no.

A fantasy fling with Johnny could be a recipe for disaster. But hey, she could always claim to be under the influence!

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