When the Sun Goes Down...

by Crystal Green

Bookcover: When the Sun Goes Down...

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When the Sun Goes Down...
Crystal Green
Harlequin Blaze #472
June 2009
ISBN 13: 9780373794768
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback,

Book Description for When the Sun Goes Down...

Juliana Thompsen always hated her family's ridiculous feud with the Coles. Especially since sexy Tristan Cole has haunted her hottest dreams since high school! But now she's traveling to exotic, erotic Japan on family business, and she's looking for someone to make her forget all those naughty thoughts about Tristan.

Until he shows up on his own family business! And once they both realize the sexual heat burning between them is mutual, they decide to indulge in all the sensual experiences Japan has to offer.

Their encounter is wild. Hot. Unrestrained! And it turns out to be much more than a fling. But will their love last once the sun goes down?

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