My Favorite Phantom

by Karen Kelley

Bookcover: My Favorite Phantom

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My Favorite Phantom
Karen Kelley
Kensington Brava
Trade Paperback
December 2008
320 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758225725
ISBN 13: 978-0758225726
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Book Description for My Favorite Phantom

When Professor Peyton Cache bought a big, gloomy, romantic Victorian house, he should have expected a ghost. He certainly got one, the kind that likes to float his undies around and drop slime in the stairwell for fun. But the professor can't let the rest of the faculty know he's lost his mind, so he hires a ghost hunter on the down-low. But somehow, when he booked a ghost hunter, he didn't think he was getting a live-in leggy blonde with an attitude like a Jersey gangster and a body like a pinup poster...

Kaci Melton needs to hide out for a while, and where better to disappear than a haunted house on one of her dad's ghost-hunting jobs? All she'll have to do is deal with a crabby old professor for a couple days and kick out one measly ghost. Two problems: the professor is a tasty young guy with piecing blue eyes, six-pack abs, and a penchant for talking dirty. And the ghost scares the panties off her...actually, given the professor, maybe that's not a problem. But if she can't tell him the truth—and she can't—how is she going to get him to keep up all that wonderful sex? Especially when she's starting to kinda like him...

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