Seducing the Moon

by Sherrill Quinn

Bookcover: Seducing the Moon

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Seducing the Moon
Sherrill Quinn
Kensington Brava
July 2009
ISBN 10: 075823189X
ISBN 13: 978-0-7582-3189-5
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback

Subjects » Paranormal, Supernatural and Paranormal, Werewolves

Book Description for Seducing the Moon

It only takes a little moonlight to bring out the primal desire between two lovers...

Declan O'Connell has a history with Pelicia Cobb, but not the kind that's going to help him win her back. It was bad enough that he broke her heart as a gruff ex-commando. Now he's got another side to his personality, a furry, fierce side that goes a little wild under the light of the moon...

Pel wants nothing more than the chance to clean up the mess Declan made of her life—without his interference. But with a sniper taking shots at her on her doorstep, there's no one better to protect her than Declan. And it's hard to ignore all of his deliciousness, especially the way her body responds to his undeniable magnetism. There's no question the rugged Irishman brings out the animal instinct in her—an instinct that propels her toward him, even when she knows she should run away...

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