The Man for Me

by Gemma Bruce

Bookcover: The Man for Me

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The Man for Me
Gemma Bruce
Kensington Brava
Trade Paperback
November 2008
352 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758216238
ISBN 13: 978-0758216236
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Book Description for The Man for Me

The bragging. The pin-ups. The sweaty socks. Please oh please, set me free! Female sportswriter J.T. Green wants out of the locker room—until star pitcher Tommy Bainbridge walks in. Tommy defines the word hot: He's tall, a terrific kisser, and a total catch. J.T. wants everything he has to give. But Gilbeytown, PA, needs their hometown boy back where he belongs and if his plans to help get leaked to the press, there's going to be hell to pay. Distracting a woman as determined and downright sexy as J.T. isn't going to be easy. Unless he can show her how heavenly it feels to be held in his powerful arms and...well, hey. She seems to like it. A lot. And so does Tommy.

It's clear as a freshly chalked baseline that Tommy and J.T. are crazy in love. To hell with reality. They don't care if they never come back ...

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