Dawn's Awakening

by Lora Leigh

Bookcover: Dawn's Awakening

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Dawn's Awakening
Lora Leigh
Berkley Sensation
February 2008
304 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425219755
ISBN 13: 9780425219751
Romance novel

Series: The Breeds


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Subjects » Future and Futuristic Settings, Paranormal

Book Description for Dawn's Awakening

An erotic thrill ride about genetically altered Breeds with feline DNA-and the humans who arouse their lust.

The runt of the lab she was created in, Dawn Daniels endured years of torture by her pride brother and the council soldiers. Finally freed from her torment, she's now a Breed Enforcer, in control of her own life. Until she's assigned to protect the one man destined to be her mate—and realizes it's far too easy to lose total control.

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