Madame Bliss: The Erotic Adventures of a Lady

by Charlotte Lovejoy

Bookcover: Madame Bliss: The Erotic Adventures of a Lady

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Madame Bliss: The Erotic Adventures of a Lady
Charlotte Lovejoy
Signet Eclipse
Trade Paperback
March 2009
336 Pages
ISBN 10: 045122597X
ISBN 13: 978-0-451-22579-9
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Madame Bliss: The Erotic Adventures of a Lady

An irresistible debut that invites readers into a world rife with temptation.

A resourceful and most amorous heroine continues in the great ribald tradition of those legendary eighteenth century characters, Tom Jones and Fanny Hill...

Readers will delight in the erotic adventure of Miss Marianna Wren, a deliciously wanton eighteenth-century beauty determined to claim exuberant pleasure and delight from every waking moment, and from every opportunity that tumbles her way. After being blissfully "ruined" as a maidservant on her master's dining table, the luscious Marianna determines to control her own fate, setting off for King George's London and all its bawdy temptations.

Before long, Marianna's life is filled with delectable seductions, extravagant ravishments, and outrageous conquests of every flavor and fashion. Yet even as lords and princes shower her with jewels, she longs for the greatest pleasure of all—a chance at true love—and the daring to risk everything to find it.

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