From Dead to Worse

by Charlaine Harris

Bookcover: From Dead to Worse

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From Dead to Worse
Charlaine Harris
March 2009
ISBN 10: 0441017010
ISBN 13: 978-0441017010
Romance novel

Series: Southern Vampire (Sookie Stackhouse)

Sookie is reeling from an explosive attack on the previous month's vampire summit....


Formats » Paperback, Audio Download

Subjects » Paranormal, Vampires

Book Description for From Dead to Worse

After the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina, and the manmade horror of the explosion at the vampire summit, Sookie Stackhouse is safe but dazed, yearning for things to get back to normal. But her boyfriend Quinn is among the missing. And things are changing, whether the weres and vamps in her corner of Louisiana like it or not. In the ensuing battles, Sookie faces danger, death...and once more, betrayal by someone she loves. And when the fur has finished flying and the cold blood ceases flowing, her world will be forever altered.

The eighth entry in Charlaine Harris' New York Times best selling, Anthony Award-winning series finds Sookie reeling from an explosive attack on the previous month's vampire summit. Many vampires were killed, including several of Sookie's friends. But most pressing for Sookie is the unknown status of her weretiger boyfriend Quinn. Like it or not, everything is changing in the supernatural world—and Sookie is caught in the middle.

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