In the Line of Fire

by Jennifer LaBrecque

Bookcover: In the Line of Fire

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In the Line of Fire
Jennifer LaBrecque
Harlequin Blaze #598
March 2011
ISBN 13: 978-0-373-796021
Romance novel

Miniseries: Uniformly Hot!


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for In the Line of Fire

Subject: Colton Sawyer, Army Officer.

Current Status: Home on leave. About to engage in a battle for his heart.

Mission: Keep his honor intact.

Obstacle: Runaway bride—and first love!—Andi Mitchell.

Colton respects one creed: Duty and honor above all. So he's torn when sweet, sexy Andi asks his help in fleeing from her intended groom. But her big, brown-eyed plea is so convincing…

Unfortunately, Andi is his best friend's little sister. Translation? Hands off, soldier! But that's a damn hard thing to do. Because this sexy, utterly absorbing woman is the only one he wants—the one he's always wanted. How can he possibly resist her when they're sharing hotel rooms…and their bodies?

Battle zones are nothing compared to this. Colton's heart is directly in the line of fire. So what else can he do but launch a counterattack…a purely physical one? Because if you can't beat 'em…

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