Real Love

by Mitsuki Oda

Bookcover: Real Love

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Real Love
Mitsuki Oda
Luv Luv
April 2008
ISBN 10: 1934496146
Ladies' Comics (Redikomi, Manga) anthology


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Real Love

Walk the fine line between lust and love.

Can happiness be found in the delicate balance between passion and love? Twins Shun and Shu have had no luck in love. However, a chance encounter reunites former lovers Shu and Naomichi after their breakup of three years ago. While the two had a budding relationship in the past, things fell apart and they went their separate ways. Now, fate brings them back together once again. Could it be that a relationship like the one they shared in the past is what they have been looking for all along? Can they both find the meaning of real love?

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