No Place to Run

by Maya Banks

Bookcover: No Place to Run

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No Place to Run
Maya Banks
Berkley Sensation
Trade Paperback
December 2010
352 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-23819-6
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Book Description for No Place to Run

The last person Sam Kelly expected to save was Sophie Lundgren. Once they shared a brief, intense affair while Sam was undercover and then she vanished. Now Sophie has returned—pregnant with Sam's child—and carrying a deadly warning for Sam. She's spent the last few months on the run, knowing that any mistake would cost her both her life and that of their unborn child. Now she's resurfaced with a warning for Sam: this time, he's the one in danger. Sam will do anything to keep Sophie and their child safe, even confront the darkness of Sophie's past.

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