Secrets, Volume 17: Erotic Nights

by Calista Fox, Ellie Marvel, Kathleen Scott, Kathy Kaye

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Secrets, Volume 17: Erotic Nights
Calista Fox, Ellie Marvel, Kathleen Scott, Kathy Kaye
Red Sage Secrets #17
Trade Paperback
December 2006
316 Pages
ISBN 10: 0975451677
ISBN 13: 9780975451670
Romance anthology


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Secrets, Volume 17: Erotic Nights

A thief darkens the doorstep of Cassandra Kensington's exclusive dating service and nightclub, Rendezvous, and sexy P.I. Dean Hewitt arrives on the scene to help. One look at the siren who owns the club has Dean's blood boiling, despite the fact that his keen instincts have him questioning the legitimacy of her business. But when Cassandra's life is in danger, Dean will do everything in his power to save her...if only she'll let him.

Jessica Hennessy, the great, great granddaughter of a Voodoo priestess, decides she's waited long enough for the man of her dreams to see her as more than the girl behind the coffee counter. A dose of her ancestor's aphrodisiac slipped into the gooey center of her homemade bon bons ought to do the trick.
But when the effects don't seem to be wearing off, Jessica wonders if she may have served up more than she can handle.

Jesse Storm must make amends to humanity by destroying the computer program he helped design that has taken the government hostage. But he must also protect the woman he's loved in secret for nearly a decade. Soran Roberts is an accountant who has become annoyed by the government's strong-arm control of the citizenry. Though the secret crush she had on Jesse in college was unrequited, she will never forget his intensity. When their paths cross again, the passion that always simmered below the surface ignites and threatens to burn them alive, even as they attempt to save the country.

Jasmine Templeton decides on her thirty-third birthday she's been celibate long enough. Will a wild night at a hot new club with her two best friends ease the ache inside her or just make it worse? Well, considering one of those best friends is Charlie and she's been having strange notions about their relationship of late... It's definitely a birthday neither she nor Charlie will ever forget.

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