Secrets, Volume 6

by Alice Gaines, Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, Sandy Fraser

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Secrets, Volume 6
Alice Gaines, Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, Sandy Fraser
Red Sage Secrets #6
December 2000
224 Pages
ISBN 10: 0964894262
ISBN 13: 978-0964894266
Romance anthology


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Secrets, Volume 6

Love's Prisoner by Mary Janice Davidson
Trapped in an elevator, Jeannie Lawrence became Love's Prisoner when she experienced unwilling rapture at Michael Windham's Hands. She never expected the devilishly handsome man to show back up in her life- or turn out to be a werewolf! Will she accept her destiny to be his mate?

The Canadate for the Kiss by Angela Knight
On the trail of a hot story, reporter Dana Ivory stumbles onto a more amazing one-a sexy, secret agent who happens to be a vampire. She wants her story but Gabriel Archer believes she's A Canadate for the Kiss!

The Education of Miss Felicity Wells by Alice Gaines
The Education of Miss Felicity Wells covers how to satisfy her soon-to-be husband but she needs a teacher. Dr. Marcus Slade, an experienced lover, agrees to take her on as a student, but can he stop short of taking her completely?

Flint's Fuse by Sandy Fraser
In FLINT'S FUSE, Dana Madison's father has her "kidnapped" for her own safety. Flint, the tall, dark and dangerous mercenary, is hired for the job. But just which one is the prisoner- Dana will try anything to get away.

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