Don't Kill the Messenger

by Eileen Rendahl

Bookcover: Don't Kill the Messenger

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Don't Kill the Messenger
Eileen Rendahl
Berkley Sensation
Trade Paperback
March 2010
323 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-23256-9
Romance novel

"An intriguing first-person paranormal romance."
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Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Subjects » Paranormal, Vampires

Book Description for Don't Kill the Messenger

The first in a fantastic new paranormal series about a messenger from the supernatural underworld.

Melina Markowitz is a Messenger, a go-between for paranormal forces and supernatural creatures. Problem is, when a girl's a go-between, it's hard not to get caught in the middle...

When ninjas steal an envelope from Melina, her search leads her to a Taoist temple in Old Sacramento, where the priests seem to practice Zen and the art of mayhem. Melina learns from the handsome ER doctor (and vampire) who gave her the envelope that it contained talismans created by the priests to control Chinese vampires, who are attacking gang members to spark a street war.

Although he may look more like a surfer than a cop, Ted Goodnight is dead serious about investigating the surge in gang violence. At every turn he runs into Melina, a very attractive-and very mysterious-young woman. Can Melina enlist his help to battle something he doesn't even believe in without blowing her cover?

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