Eternal Moon

by Rebecca York

Bookcover: Eternal Moon

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Eternal Moon
Rebecca York
Berkley Sensation
April 2009
304 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425227006
ISBN 13: 9780425227008
Romance novel

Cursed in a past life...

"Exciting, memorable, and romantic!"
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Formats » Paperback

Subjects » Alternate History, Alternate Reality, Danger, Demons, Paranormal, Werewolves

Book Description for Eternal Moon

They are destined to be together for all eternity—if they can defeat the evil stalking them.

Determined to stop a madman, P.I. Renata Cordona is undercover when she's almost attacked by a pack of vicious dogs. A lone wolf saves her. Then, out of nowhere, a man with an electrifying touch appears—the man who is clearly her destiny.

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