Over the Moon

by Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, Sunny , Virginia Kantra

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Over the Moon
Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, Sunny , Virginia Kantra
Berkley Sensation
January 2007
ISBN 10: 0425213439
ISBN 13: 978-0425213438
Romance anthology

Series: Children of the Moon
Series: Mageverse
Series: The Wyndham Werewolves

A collection of steamy romance from some of the best erotic romance authors writing today!


Formats » Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Subjects » Fantasy Worlds, Paranormal, Vampires

Book Description for Over the Moon

When it comes to sexy werewolves, fairies, and magic, there's only one place for readers to go: Over the Moon.

Angela Knight ventures to the borders of Mageverse, a land ruled by vampire knights.

MaryJanice Davidson returns to the wicked lair of the Wyndham werewolves.

Virginia Kantra finds magic and wonder in a strange fairy kingdom.

And Sunny discovers a Mixed Blood Queen in command of a new realm in Mona Lisa Three.

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