Wicked Burn

by Beth Kery

Bookcover: Wicked Burn

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Wicked Burn
Beth Kery
Berkley Sensation
Trade Paperback
December 2008
352 Pages
ISBN 13: 9780425224373
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Book Description for Wicked Burn

He wanted all of her—and did she ever let him have it…

Vic Savian knows what he wants when he sees it. And what he wants is his sexy neighbor, Niall Chandler. When he finds her in the hallway of their building being harassed by an aggressive suitor, Vic steps in—and finds himself greatly rewarded…

Sleeping with her gorgeous neighbor—when she didn’t even know his last name—was the craziest thing Niall’s ever done. Now, she can’t seem to get enough of Vic—or the uninhibited passion he stirs in her. Suddenly, with his help, she’s opening to sensual pleasures she’s never known before. But when Niall’s past comes back to haunt her, will she and Vic let themselves venture beyond the bedroom and explore the possibility of the love that’s in their hearts?

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