Chance of a Lifetime

by Portia Da Costa

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Chance of a Lifetime
Portia Da Costa
Spice Briefs
November 2008
ISBN 13: 9781426824739
Erotica novella


Formats » Ebook

Book Description for Chance of a Lifetime

The videotape shocked and thrilled her...and really turned her on. She'd found it in a small, out-of-the-way sitting room of Blaystock Manor, where she was working. Now everyone was away and she finally had an opportunity to watch at her leisure. There on the screen was the Marquis, her much fantasized-about boss, administering a very sexy spanking to some girl. The intense erotic sizzle she felt compelled her to begin touching herself. And as she lost herself in pleasure, she suddenly realized he'd entered the room and had been watching her. But embarrassment turned to excitement when he urged her to continue, then began to touch her intimately. It was only the smallest hint of what she'd witnessed on the tape, but she knew she had to have more...much more!

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