Tonight, My Love

by Tracie Sommers

Bookcover: Tonight, My Love

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Tonight, My Love
Tracie Sommers
Spice Briefs
May 2009
ISBN 13: 9781426833236
Erotica novella


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Book Description for Tonight, My Love

"Tonight, my love, the choice is yours," Andrew Campbell tells Isabelle as they ride through the streets of Whitechapel to select a prostitute to join them in bed. Her choice: Franny, a pretty young girl hesitant to go with the genteel couple with Jack the Ripper on the loose.

Yet the lure of money and food is too strong for Franny. Before long, she is in their bed...with Andrew and Isabelle fulfilling their promise to take Franny to the height of sexual ecstasy.

But once their pleasure is complete, Andrew and Isabelle have another surprise in store for her....

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